Psychological statistics before and after plastic surgery

    Over the last decade, there have been dozens of studies undertaken to investigate the psychological effects of plastic surgery. The results are clear: getting plastic surgery can have a positive effect on your mental health, including lower levels of stress, increased self-esteem and self-confidence, and an overall improvement in the quality of life of the patient. Before we get into the specifics it’s important to clarify that this is not an argument for getting plastic surgery.

When we talk about “self-esteem” or “improved quality of life” these are subjective terms that mean something different for every person. Plastic surgery should be a personal decision based on a number of factors, and nobody else should tell you what you’re doing is right or wrong. With that said, if you do decide to pursue a procedure such as breast augmentation or rhinoplasty then, here are some studies showing how it can positively impact your psychological well being:

Self-inflicted injuries drop dramatically (from 17% to 6.7%)

     Plastic surgery is not just about aesthetics. It can be used as a tool to address psychological disorders, such as self-harm and body dysmorphic disorder. In fact, the psychological impacts of plastic surgery are so great that they have been studied by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

A study conducted by ASPS was published in the peer-reviewed journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2016. Its findings indicated that there was a significant drop in self-inflicted injuries among those who underwent cosmetic procedures compared with those who did not. The researchers found that 17% of respondents said they had hurt themselves on purpose up until the time of their first procedure; only 6.7% reported doing so after their first procedure took place. This means that 12% less people were engaging in this behavior after receiving cosmetic procedures!

Depression drops from 40-45% to 11%

     The number of women who have had cosmetic surgery, including breast augmentation and liposuction, has risen dramatically in recent years. A woman who wants to get breast implants can come away with a greatly improved self-image and feel better about herself. This can contribute to helping with depression.

Woman talking to female therapist about plastic surgery

Depression is also one of the main causes of suicide attempts among teenagers and young adults; however, plastic surgery can actually help prevent these kinds of suicidal thoughts by improving a person’s self-esteem and confidence level. Studies show that people who undergo certain types of plastic surgery (such as facial or body contouring) tend to be significantly less likely to attempt suicide than those who do not undergo any type of cosmetic procedures at all—or even undergo surgeries which don’t involve any sort of significant physical change at all!

There are also some interesting facts about how plastic surgery affects self-inflicted injuries such as cutting yourself; it turns out that many people who engage in this kind behavior find themselves less likely doing so after having some type treatment done on them such as breast augmentation surgeries because they feel better about themselves after doing so!

Increased pain tolerance

      An increase in pain tolerance may be one of the most common benefits of plastic surgery. Pain tolerance is the ability to withstand pain without complaining or withdrawing. It’s your ability to deal with discomfort, whether physical or emotional, and keep on going despite feeling uncomfortable.

Some people have a high-pain tolerance while others have a low-pain threshold. High-pain tolerance often describe themselves as “tough” and “stoic,” whereas those with low thresholds tend to be more sensitive and emotional when it comes to experiencing discomfort.

People who have undergone plastic surgery often report having an increased ability to deal with discomfort following their procedures: they describe feeling less bothered by minor aches and pains and are able to handle stressful situations with greater ease than before the procedure occurred.

Decreased levels of stress, depression, and anxiety

     Many patients who undergo plastic surgery report that the procedure helps them feel less stressed, depressed, and anxious. In a study published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, researchers found that women who underwent breast augmentation surgery reported feeling much better about their lives afterward. These patients also reported less depression, anxiety, and stress than before they underwent surgery.

Other studies have found similar results: A study published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that women who underwent cosmetic procedures experienced decreased levels of stress after one year compared with those who did not receive any type of treatment for anxiety or depression issues

Increased self-esteem

Plastic surgery is a big decision, and one that can be scary for many reasons. But there’s also another reason why plastic surgery is so popular: it makes people feel better about themselves. This may seem like an obvious statement, but think about it this way—would you get plastic surgery if you didn’t think it would help you feel more confident? Probably not!

So what does “feeling more confident” actually mean? It means feeling happier with yourself, or having higher self-esteem. This can affect many aspects of your life and well-being in positive ways. For example, someone with high self-esteem might be more likely to keep their job or find new friends or even get married than someone without as much self-esteem (or as much confidence). When people have low self-esteem they might not feel like they’re good enough at anything they do; they might worry too much about what other people think; or they might isolate themselves from other people because they don’t want anyone else to see how “bad” things are going in their lives right now! 

In short: having high levels of confidence can really boost your overall mental health by helping with things like coping skills which ultimately lead towards healthier relationships overall.”

Improved mental health

Improved self-esteem

Increased self-confidence

Increased physical attractiveness

Decreased pain tolerance (especially in regards to childbirth)

Decreased levels of stress, depression, and anxiety

Increased levels of happiness and satisfaction with life

Increased self-confidence

      After undergoing surgery, you may feel a sense of increased self-confidence. You may also be able to express your true personality and inner beauty more easily, which can lead to higher self-esteem. Your physical appearance will no longer prevent you from being who you want to be.

Increase in physical attractiveness

   There is a correlation between increased physical attractiveness and an increase in self-esteem. With this knowledge, it would be logical to assume that people who have had plastic surgery are more likely to be rated as attractive by others. In fact, there is evidence that after undergoing cosmetic surgery, patients perceive themselves as more physically attractive than before their procedures were done (Rhodes & Condon).

The study conducted by Rhodes and Condon asked patients who had undergone cosmetic procedures if they perceived themselves as more physically attractive than other people do; the results indicated that roughly half of these patients thought so. Additionally, this study found that nearly one third of participants reported feeling better about themselves after having undergone cosmetic treatments.

Multiple studies have concluded that plastic surgery can increase overall psychological well-being.

      The results of these studies are overwhelmingly positive, with a handful of exceptions (see below). One study found that women who had breast augmentation surgery were less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who did not undergo the procedure. The same study also found that patients felt more confident and accepted in their bodies following their surgeries, and this led them to experience higher levels of self-esteem as well. Another study showed that patient satisfaction increased dramatically after undergoing cosmetic procedures such as nose reshaping or liposuction; patients reported feeling more attractive, which in turn correlated with better social interactions and higher self-esteem.

There are several conclusions we can draw from these findings: firstly, it appears that plastic surgery does make people feel better about themselves; secondly, there is no evidence showing any negative psychological effects post-procedure; thirdly (and most importantly), none of these conclusions should be considered final until further research has been conducted on the topic!

      To summarize, plastic surgery can result in a number of positive psychological benefits for patients. These benefits include, but are not limited to, increased self-confidence and self-esteem, improved mental health and reduced levels of anxiety and depression.

While these numbers might seem low at first glance, they are actually very high considering the massive changes that the patient has undergone.

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